We specialize in building easy to manage websites for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations across Canada. Why pay thousands of dollars to have a website created, and then have to pay more money every time you want to add or remove content from your website. Small businesses need to be smart with their time and money, and that includes hiring a public relations professional to build your site showcasing your talents in a clean and clear matter; a site you can then go back and edit and update as you please, on your own, for free. Humanity Public Relations will get the big picture of your website, and translate what makes you stand out from the others, by developing a new website for your business on a easy to use platform. A platform your business will be able to edit as you wish in the future. We use platforms such as Weebly or Wix, and work with you, offering other tips and tricks to make your new website, and your business, rank above the others in your industry, |
Let's chat about how Humanity can help you reach your communication goals or design your next marketing piece; creatively, and affordably.